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Super computer

Mira, is a Blue Gene/Q-based system housed at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) is now the fifth-fastest system in the world. Mira is being used to significantly advance science and industry. Mira has 48 racks and 786,432 processors, and weigh 104 tons, and reached 8.59 petaflop/s on the Linpack benchmark. Under the umbrella of ArgonneÕs Early Science Program, Mira assists research in earthquake modeling, quantum mechanics, the effect of clouds on the climate, and materials science. Any researcher in the world can apply for time on Mira to run programs for their experiments.

The cost for building Mira has not been released by IBM. Early reports estimated that construction would cost US$50 million,[7] and Argonne National Laboratory announced that Mira was bought using money from a grant of US$180 million.[4] In a press release, IBM marketed the supercomputer's speed, claiming that "if every man, woman and child in the United States performed one calculation each second, it would take them almost a year to do as many calculations as Mira will do in one second".[8]